Wednesday 9 November 2022

Thailand 9 Nov

 Darryl had gone for a beach walk when I woke up. The next 4 photos are some of what he saw.

This was one of the now abandoned buildings on the beach. 

I looked after the kids while Shane and Jess took River for his bandage. We played snakes & ladders, and went for a swim.

When the water in the pool is so still it makes for very architectural reflections

Where-ever there is an injured animal, Skyla is there to the rescue. This time she found a praying mantis. They caught insects to feed it.

Darryl was tired after his long walk, so he wasn't really watching the kids swimming...

We went for a walk for lunch and ate at the Rabbit Restaurant. The dishes were very tasty.

The whole street was being dug up as they were putting in new pipes.

It made it 'interesting' at times getting to the restaurants.

A fish made of thongs

The smallest mosque I've ever seen

A cute millepede

In the evening Darryl slept while I spent time with family and washed clothes.

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