Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Hawai'i - Kona

Another lovely relaxing day in Hawaii.

Check out how high you have to be to be out of the Tsunami Danger Zone!

We took the kids to the park again. They love nature and animals are are fascinated by all sorts of things.

Skyla gate-crashed this session to learn the Hula (music courtesy YouTube). Of course they were captivated by her.

The kids enjoying chewing on sugar cane

Bigger 'kids' enjoying chewing on sugar cane

Storytime with Ozima

We all saw these turtles swimming past (thanks Steve for the great photos)

Poor Justin stood on a sea urchin, and had spines broken off in his hands and feet. I read up about it and the thing to do was soak them in Vinegar to dissolve them, so we found a small eski and set him up.
No-one got a photo, but if you go to this site you can see a photo of a very mild case (compared to what Justin suffered) https://wearesurfer.com/2019/09/18/urchin-spine-removal/

In the evening we swam in the pool and had a BBQ.

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